It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
Slysim vasi zbabelost | My day has been | Jsem vyschla studna
krici v polich | too long. | v ktere neni vody
rve ve mestech | In the morning I saw | pro blazna
skuhra na rozcestich | the sons of Unamis | Jsem cesta bludna
jekta strachem ze smrti | happy and strong; | Rozbourane schody
a neciti ze smrt upozornuje a vabi | and yet, before | do prazdna
| the night has come, | Klopytam vresem -
Bije z vezi kostelu | have I lived to see | - slepa bila hulka
umiracek narodu a zemi | the last warrior | v rozbresku
| of the wise race | Kdyz bez tebe jsem
Ve jmenu zivota | of the Mohicans. | je mne jenom pulka
vaseho | | od stesku.
horim | |
| |
Jan Zajic | James F. Cooper | Karel Kryl