Autor: Tuttle (...) on 'Kaleidoskop'
Cas: So 22.5.2010 11:02.34
Titulek: Woody Allen pri tiskovce k novemu filmu v Cannes

"I find (getting older) a lousy deal. There is no advantage to getting older. 
I'm 74 now and you don't get wiser, you don't get more mellow, you don't get 
more kindly -- nothing happens. But your back hurts more, you get more 
indigestion, your eyesight isn't as good and you need a hearing aid.
It's a bad business getting older and I would advise you not to do it if you 
can avoid it...
My relationship with death remains the same -- I'm strongly against it."
Prevedeno do CESTINY:
"Stranuti je mizerie, neni v nem zadna vyhoda. Kdyz je vam jako mne 74 let,
nejste diky tomu moudrejsi, zralejsi, ani vlidni -- nic takoveho.
Vic vas boli zada, mate travici potize, hur vidite a potrebujete naslouchatko.
Je to cely fakt blby a doporucoval bych vam se tomu vyhnout, pokud muzete.
No ale muj postoj ke smrti se nemeni -- jsem tvrde proti."

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