Autor: Tuttle (...) on 'DoVetru'
Cas: Ut 4.11.2008 20:23.27
Titulek: Tak snad kolega nekecal...

(20:11:29) JJ: anyway Tuttle, I'm signing off for a bit. It's election day 
           here, and I need to go vote.                       
(20:11:31) JJ: have a goodnight
(20:11:46) Tuttle: vote right :)
(20:12:04) JJ: i'm voting for the guy who isn't trying to kill the rest of 
           the world, don't worry
(20:12:08) Tuttle: unfortunately it influences us too over here :)  
(20:12:15) JJ: yeah, i know. i got you in mind :)
(20:12:18) JJ: see ya!
(20:12:21) Tuttle: see you

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